jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

A dolphin released on Brunny island by Salma & Josu


 By : Salma & Josu

      The dolphin released after becoming stringed on Brunny Island
 in rough seas in  18th of February , 2016 at 6 : 39 am.

      Wild life experts suspect rough seas led to the striped dolphin
becoming stranded at cloudy buy on Brunny Island on Tuesday.

      It´s got  into those waves close to the coast, it probably become
Quite disorientated and possibly couldn´t  navigate . It´s  back out  through
the waves.
       At finish the dolphin came back to the sea.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

Ice fish by; Ekaitz & Koldo

  By : Koldo & Ekaitz

The fish is an animal who lives in the Antarctica and it’s got white blood. The ice fish are in danger   because the ice fish not reproduce greatly. they are in danger in the last 2  years in 2014 they haven’t got a big family. for that reason are in danger and their habitat are destroyed. Their liquids is freezes because the salinity is let than the water  of the ocean . the water of the ocean freezes in 1.8º and the water of the Antarctica freezes in 0.8º. Is not easily to see to reason that the ice fish is in danger.

the great barrier reef

The Great Barrier Reef is of Australian Mountains range have got  2.ooo km long. The water temperature  has  got 4ºç (7ºç).
On the great  barrier Reef are thirty species of wheales, dolphins and porpoises. Shipping  accidents  are  a pressing concerp, Barrier Reef  is net easy, reef ploty consider it safer than outside the reef in the  event of  mechanical failure.
Due to its vast  biodibertsity, warm clear water  and  accesibility from the forest  boats cold “Live aboards”. I 1996 most of the turist in the region was  domestially generated and the most  popular visiting times were buiting times were building  the Australian winter.

By: Ane and  Ibon

The Platypus By: Asier Betiere & June

The platypus

The platypus is a mammal animal that has to put eggs to reproduce. The specie is in danger to disappear.
   The platypus is a semi- aquatic egg-laying mammal animal that is danger and lives in the Australian Ocean. And adult platypus can weight from 700 to 2400g. They can length about 43-50cm.
       The problem is that the platypus is a very little specie and they can´t reproduce properly to have babies. I think that specie is important like all extinc animals that are in danger. We have to save it!!!
By: Asier Betiere and June.