lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

the riddle by: Sendoa & Naia

                                                      THE RIDDLE

   Last Friday , Swan and Emily go to colour  a rainbow. In the rainbow one gnome  says:
-To pass the rainbow you have to  guess a riddle
-What  riddle ?
-         “ It is in the sky  , has got seven colours and it  is very long.”.
     -Ummm…The rainbow.

     -Yes, the answer is correct

    - Both you are the two  people to  pass the longest rainbow of the world. .

     Then ,  they take a treasure and they go to their house very funny. Later ,  Swan and Emily tell to their family what  they did  in that  very long rainbow. After , Swan and Emily are very rich and they  participate  in a  program of television . Finally , the people  of the world  go to their house to speak with them.

By: Sendoa and Naia

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