lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Strawberries milkshake by : ItsasneO, Eidan & Iker

RECIPE  NAME :Strawberries milkshake
Preparation time :10 min         Cook time  :0
Ingredients :                 Cooking utensils :                                         
Strawberries (500 gr)    Knife
Milk (1 litre)                    Bowl
Strawberri ice cream    Glass
(200 gr)                            Spoon
Instructions :         
First , cut strawberries and pour in the bowl.
Then , pour milk and two spoons of
strawberries ice cream .
Next , blend the ingredients together and pour the milkshake into the glass.
At finish, have the milk shake.
       How many servings ?   4 people     
By : Eidan, Itsasne O.& Iker

Caramel almonds By : Ixone & Erik

RECIPE  NAME: Caramel almonds

Preparation time:15min.    Cook time: 30
Ingredients :            Cooking utensils :                                         
Almonds                         A pan                                     1glass of water            A big spoon
1 glass of sugar
Instructions :         
First, Stir the almonds to the pan, after that, put the glass of sugar and the glass of water in the pan too. Later, mix with the big spoon all the ingredients, make the mixture, the sugar will convert in caramel and the almonds will convert in Caramel Almonds.
how many servings ?
One little pack(30 almonds)   By Erik & Ixone

pancakes by:Oier and Larraitz

RECIPE  NAME :Pancakes

  Preparation time :45-50
Cook time  : 30m.
Ingredients :                 Cooking utensils :                                         
a pinch of salt    300ml milk      oil        large bowl
125 g plain flour   brown sugar              spoon
1 large egg          1 lemon                       pan
Instructions :         
1.First, stir the flour, egg, salt, and half of the milk into a large bowl.
2.Then, whisk here flour, egg, salt and milk and beat again.
3.Heat some oil. Add some pancake mixture. Tilt the pan so that the mixture covers the bottom.
4.Toss  the  pancake or turn it over in the pan.
5.To finish, eat with lemon and sugar.
How many servings ?  3 servings.        


RECIPE  NAME : Multifruit juice
Preparation time: 5-15´              Cook time: 0´
Ingredients :                Cooking utensils :                                         
-Apple                          -Knife
-Pineapple                   -Mixer
-Grapes                        -Apple peeler
-Mango                        -Glass
-Sugar (5g)                  -Straw
Instructions :         
-First, peel the apple with apple peeler
-Then, peel the another fruits with the knife
-After, mix the fruits with the mixer
-Next, pour the sugar and mix all together
-To finish, stir the fruit juice into the glass with straw

How many servings ? 1-2 people 
By: Izaro and Unai